Monday, November 18, 2013

ETEC 674, Final project

For the final project I have chosen to go with option 2. I will work to develop a course outline. During this quarter I have learned many things regarding online learning, online learning delivery and evaluation, media theories and learning and so on. Working to develop outline course will teach me how to consider so many aspect and Put them together to comprise a united course the meet the learning objective. I am thinking of doing a fully online course. The subject that I will develop the course about might be something in administration filed it might be strategy planning because I already familiar with these topic due to my previous study.  I will take into account what I have learned in this course and previous course such as Instruction design 1 and 2. And I am taken this quarter eLearning delivery and evaluation that will help me a lot to develop an online course.



  1. I think that the course outline option is a good one for you. Be sure to focus a lot on the technology and methods that you will use.

  2. Hi Ahmad,
    I also decided to do option 2'as my final project, I have a course outline that I developed in a previous course and feel that this assignment will help fine tune it. Good luck with your project, I enjoyed reading our post.
